Monday, August 2, 2010

Odds and Ends

It's hard to believe it's already August. The summer has totally flown by way too fast. It has been lots of fun though and we've made the most of everyday by doing alot of playing! Hayes just takes one nap a day now-since about 16 mos. (which I love and is very nice b/c we're totally free in the mornings) but, that means we need a morning activity EVERYDAY! That can be tricky and exhausting. Because seriously it's way more exhausting to stay home and play all day until naptime than to get out in the heat to go somewhere-is that just me or do others w/toddlers feel that way? We've been by-passing the pool though as much as we can. I've decided it's just too much work w/an 18 mo. old for the amount of time she is content there climbing in and out of the pool! Plus, there's always the danger of her falling asleep on the way home, which could greatly interfere with afternoon naptime. No way can we risk that!

Just a little catch up from the last week or so...
1. We went to the preschool playday at church last week, called pools and popsicles. Hayes had a ball splashing in the buckets and pools and running around. My friend Ashley has cuter pics on her blog than I have from my camera. Her little Parker man is a little cutie pie and getting so big. Hayes enjoyed getting all in his face (this is her form of a hug!)

2. Nathan and I spent a few days at Rossbridge for our anniversary and it was heaven on earth. Everything about our time there was soooo nice and lazy. I highly recommend that place if you are local, or even not local! And, thanks to Nathan I was able to spend the day there on Saturday for a girls day with some friends-all the men kept the little ones! Pool, spa, food, and friends- it was a very good combination!

3. Hayes has decided she wants to become a secretary. Haha, just kidding! But, she has taken a big interest in "typing" on the computer and playing w/the mouse. She thinks she is so big climbing up in that chair. I have to push her all the way up so she doensn't fall through the chair and desk. She is SO content and quiet her for at least 5 minutes or so. We've been playing alot of Starfall and she really likes the silly man that sings the ABC's. I always used that website w/my kindergartners and there are lots of fun things to do on their site, very interactive for little ones.

4. Last but not least I decided last week that morning was coming way too early for Hayes and her naptime was getting shorter everyday. So when she slept from only 1-2 last Friday, we ventured to Bed, Bath and Beyond for some much needed black out shades. I never thought she really needed these b/c she's always been a fairly good sleeper, but our mornings would start at 6 which is very early to me. So we hung them in her room Friday night and Saturday morning she slept until almost 8:00!! If you have children you know what a major difference this is!! Her room is pitch black now even in the middle of the day for naptime. I'm hoping the later mornings and longer naptimes will become habit!! If you are in need like we were, these are the ones I bought from BB&B. This is the wisest purchase I've made since she was born!! Aside from our sound machine which I am in love w/too. We can't live without that little machine!

I think our cousins are coming in town to play this week. We surely hope so because they bring lots of entertainment with them. Have a great week!


brookeisacrazylady said...

I have sound machines and black out shades in all the kids rooms! Worth every penny!

Lauren Hayes said...

She is so cute, Amy! Love your frequent updates...I could take some lessons. I can't believe summer is almost over...yikes! How's the house hunt looking? There are lots of good ones in Vestavia if you are interested in this area!!!

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