Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The First Haircut

We've been talking about getting Hayes' hair cut for some time now. It just needed a little shaping up with all those wispy curls everywhere. I made her an appt. last week w/a sweet lady my friend Katie suggested. We talked it up to Hayes for the last week or so but I still didn't know how she would do. She's not one for letting people mess with her! But, we went this morning and she met Marcella and saw where she would sit in the big chair. She was clingy at first, but a few packs of fruit snacks cured that and she climbed right up and sat there like a big girl for about 15 minutes. Go Hayes!

Little brother just watched!

All finished...just a tad bit shorter

A treat for the big girl (and Mommy too). I'm thinking I need a treat most every day that I can get us out of the house all in one piece with all of our stuff. It's quite a chore!

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