Friday, June 15, 2012

A trip to Honey's

On Thursday I took Hayes and Watson to Prattville for the day to see Honey, Nathan's grandmother. She's only an hour from us and since Watson is a little bigger and her house is not so far that I will lose my mind if he screams the entire car ride, I thought it was a great idea to go for the day! And yes it was a great idea. We played at the park, at her house, ate lunch, and then tried to get Watson to nap with no luck. It was a great day. We'll be back soon hopefully!! Honey is so sweet. She is our only living grandparent left, between Nathan and me. H & W love her and we had a great visit. My new goal is to go at least once a month. I would give anything now if I could take my children to see my grandmother and play and eat lunch and go to the park. I knew this of course when my Grandmama was still here, but by the time Hayes was big enough to start knowing her, Grandmama just wasn't quite all there anymore. When she was here in Birmingham in her last year of life Hayes and I did go visit her a good bit, but she was too little to remember and Grandmama was too old to remember!! I have a picture of her and Ease, her twin, in our guest bedroom and Hayes just looked at it a few days ago and asked who they were. They would have all loved each other so much and had so much FUN together! Life is just so short. Relationships and memories are so important. And I want my babies to have that with Honey and all their grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins. If you have any extra time I would highly recommend reading Kisses from Katie today-it is really good and wow, wow, wow, her ministry just gets more amazing every time I read her posts. So inspiring!

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