Our sweet Grandaddy passed away early Sunday morning. We knew it was coming but just did not know when. He had pneumonia for the last month and his body could not fight it off anymore. We have SO many good memories of him and it's really neat to look back at pictures of him. We found out yesterday morning on the way to church. Nathan brought me back home and I tore the picture basket up looking for as many pictures of him I could find. These are some of my favorites that I'll share. It's so funny when you look at pictures that you can (or I do at least) remember that very moment when the picture was snapped, where you were, who was there, etc. Even ones that are so old.
Grandaddy was such a sweet, tender, smart, loving, caring man. All he ever wanted to do was to take care of his family. My favorite phrase of his was "whatever my baby wants!" He was very sensitive and emotional. He would tear up and almost cry about anything related to his grandchildren. He loved his whole family so passionately, 2 children, 5 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. I'm so thankful the Lord let us have him for 88 years. He had a long, healthy and productive life. He was in the real estate business his whole life until about 5 years ago when he decided to retire. He served in the military and loved to show off his uniform and tell you about all his travels around the world. And lately in the last few years he loved to try it on for us!
He was married to my Grandmother for 63 years and loved her so much. We're so proud of the legacy of marriage they left for all of us. My sister asked him a few years ago about the secret of marriage, and he simply said, "well, you just stay around." What a simple secret and easy advice.
But the funny thing was that my Grandmother had a twin sister, Louise, who we all called "Ease." She and my Grandmother always dressed alike, were super silly, loved to entertain and be the center of attention. They called themselves 'moviestars' because they were in a few commercials during the 90's. Ease's husband passed away in 1990. So from then on, it was like Grandaddy had 2 wives. He took care of Ease like he did my Grandmother and the 3 of them spent alot of time together. I'm sure it was not easy for Grandaddy with these 2. It's really hard to explain them-their personalities, jokes, dressing alike, etc. I think our family could easily write a book about them!
(At the twin's 80th birthday party-don't be scared, these are not their real eyes!)
Lastly, would you please keep my grandmother in your prayers? She is going to be moving to Birmingham now that he is gone and is very confused. We hope she'll adjust quickly and easily and we're so happy she'll be close by us now. She has lived in Montgomery her entire adult life, but we know she will be fine wherever she is.
Hope you take time to really enjoy your family this Christmas season and remember that relationships and memories are all that matter! Merry Christmas!!
I'll post our Christmas card soon! I still have a few more to send out!
Amy, we are praying for your Grandmother and I'm sorry about your Grandfather. Thanks for your prayers for my cousin, Tyler too. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and I know that Hayes will be super cute on Christmas morning.
I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandfather. You and your family will be in our prayers. Thanks for sharing his history with us.
I hope Hayes has a big time on Christmas day!
Amy, what a wonderful life your grandfather led! And what a wonderful example of how a great life should be lived. You are so blessed to have had him in your life! 88 years old and 63 years married! What a great life! :)
Hey Amy,
I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandfather. I will keep you and your family in my prayers! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
Thinking about Grandmama & Granddaddy today, I remembered how good she always wanted Granddaddy to look! Remember she used to make him use a "rinse" on his hair to get the gray out! And not only would she brag on how much younger his BROWN hair made him look, she took pride in making his bald HEAD look "sooooo GOOD!" I remember watching her iron his clothes, and I think about that alot while I'm ironing! Always wanting him to look his best! She loved him so MUCH!!!
I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather, Amy. Sounds like he left quite an amazing legacy of family and that is fantastic! I know you all will miss him greatly- especially around Christmas. And I will definitely pray for your grandmother and Ease. I remember them and they are SO funny and cute! I know it's tough for them after all these years. What a special man. :)
Hugs Amy. Your tribute to your grandfather on your blog was very nice. He sounds like a wonderful man.
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