Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recipe to Share-Greek Chicken

This is a favorite at our house. We used to eat it ALOT, now it's about once a month. We had it last night for supper and I forgot how GOOD and EASY it is!! There are only like 2 ingredients so it is definitely a last minute idea if you need one. Thought I would share.

Greek Chicken

2-3 chicken breasts, chopped into small pieces
1 lemon
Cavendar's Greek Seasoning
Olive oil

Pour small amount of olive oil in skillet and turn on medium heat. Wash and chop raw chicken into small, bite sized pieces and place in skillet. Season generously with greek seasoning and juice from lemon. Cover and let chicken cook 4-5 minutes on each side, stirring occasionally. When you turn chicken you can add more seasoning and lemon juice.
Serve over rice and add a vegetable, and there is your yummy, healthy and quick meal!


brookeisacrazylady said...

yummy amy. cute blog re-do. your girl is just gorgeous. seriously that face!

Susannah said...

Oh cool! We LOVE chicken around here! Thanks Amy!