Monday, September 9, 2013

First Day of School

I have gotten a little behind but I'm going to start back with the beginning of the school year. School started last Wednesday and these little ones were ready!

 Hayes is in the 4 yr old class this year and has wonderful teachers. I am so excited for her this year. She seems so much older to me and I can't believe it's her last year of preschool. She is 4 going on 14! She loves school so much and loves a routine. It's crazy that kindergarten is just around the corner for her. I am soaking up every day before that starts because she is just growing up way too fast. She is going 4 mornings this year which I told Nathan will prepare me for next year with her being gone 5 full day. I can't imagine!!

Hayes-1st Day of 4's
And Watson is in the 2's this year, which means he is no longer in the Mother's Day out, but is now part of the Day School. So big! He will get to do so many fun things this year like art and music and chapel. He is going 2 mornings to school. He is a wild man, growing bigger and sweeter every day. We describe him as sweet as pie and tough as nails! Such a little mess. He runs around this house growling like a tiger and trying to scare everybody. But has the sweetest little heart.
Watson-1st Day of 2's

1 comment:

The Griffins said...

Um...they are so cute!!!!!