Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend 2012

We just had the best Easter weekend. Nana and Papa came to visit and we had a great time with them. We played outside, ate, went to the zoo, hunted eggs, Nathan and I had an awesome 5 hour afternoon date on Saturday-which never happens! It was great. We did some house stuff we have been needing to do but are never without our children during the day to get anything done! More on that later. I really tried to zone in with Hayes this year why we celebrate Easter and tried to drill her Bible verse into her over and over. Mark 24:16 Jesus is alive! We practiced it, we read the Easter story, we played with her little Easter felt board. I know with time she will understand more and more. I just never want to underestimate what she is capable of learning just because she is little. I just hope she absorbs more than I think she does sometimes. Sweetness. What she did understand easily about Easter was all the candy and egg hunting that came with the weekend. I think that sugar is my new enemy for my children. I am really leaning towards becoming a sugar-free house-well at least for them-maybe not for us!

We dyed our eggs Friday afternoon and made a little centerpiece

and when little brother got up from his nap it was time for egg hunting!!

mainly for Hayes, she grabbed his basket too though and piled it up for him

Saturday morning we went to the zoo and everyone did so good, I think. My brain is fried so that maybe wrong?! It was fun. Watson walked part of the time so it was a much longer visit than we usually have.

It was snack time the entire time we were there. Both sets of those jaws ate crackers for about 3 solid hours.

Carousel time!

Watson loved that big tractor over by the petting zoo. I don't think I've ever noticed it and he walked right up to it and wanted to climb up so bad! Boys and girls are so different. We are seeing that more and more daily with our two. It's really interesting.

That is all for now. It's bedtime and I just can't think or write at night!
Happy Easter!

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