Thursday, February 14, 2013

Catching Up

We have had no internet for the past 2 weeks or so, and it's been kind of nice! I have had my phone to check emails, but now that our internet is back, I think it's official that I am getting old because I definitely prefer the huge computer screen at our desk as opposed to a 2 inch screen on the phone. It's just not the same! I'm a little behind at capturing all the moments we've had since Christmas. I will try to catch up!! First, the kids are getting so big. Hayes is now 4-still need to do a party post for her-and Watson is about to be 2 in a matter of days. The baby-ness is slipping away every day and it's hard to believe! They are both at really enjoyable stages and ages. Our days are different now that they are getting older. Rest time doesn't always happen and it seems like we have better days when we don't have rest time-crazy I know! But big sister sets the precedent for Watson-and he knows she's not napping-so of course he doesn't want to go to his room by himself. It's almost easier on everybody if he doesn't nap, and he's usually happy and makes to to bedtime just fine. When he does nap-it's on the floor in his sleeping bag-this was after 2 back to back birthday parties last Saturday (which I took them both to all by myself-no daddy this past weekend!) I thought he would sleep forever-only lasted about an hour though. I've probably said this before but I love them being 2 years apart in age. They play and fight so well together! There is alot of love between them and of course some screaming too. Glad they have each other to practice their "life skills" on! Fireman Watson at a birthday party... Hayes and Mary Carmen at a recent birthday party...both just looking SO old to me Both had dentist appointments last week-Watson did great surprisingly, Hayes did not-still doesn't like anyone messing with her. Good reports for both. Afternoon snack time-on the table-can you see those pantry doors back there? That pantry is slowly killing me. I wish we could rip the bi-fold doors off and install a steel door with a key! Watson is a total snack/food monster. "I hungy, I hungy!" ALL DAY LONG! Don't know what we are going to do with that boy, maybe let him get a job soon so he can pay all his food bills! hahhaha! Hayes is such a little girl-we spend a lot of time playing school, reading, doing art, playing games and cards, stickers, etc. And totally into making rules and trying to teach Watson things (which he cares nothing about!) She's growing up so fast. I'm so proud of her. Here she is trying to make him sit down for centers/storytime. Sorry sister!! We had her parent/teacher conference a few weeks ago and it was emotional-hearing someone else talk about your child's learning/personality traits/friends they play with/etc. And she's only in the 3's. I'm still having a hard time thinking about her being in the 4's next year 4 days a week. Life is too fast and I don't really like change. That's about it, or at least all I can remember. Happy Valentine's Day!!

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