This is a long post, all rolled into one! I still need to catch up w/our trip to Dothan which now seems long ago! We had a great visit and managed to spend some time with all 5 grandparents plus Honey all in one trip. Both little ones did great. Hayes was surprised w/a big girl bed when she got to Nana and Papa's. We didn't expect her to sleep in there, she's not one for being still and going to sleep if she's not contained! But to our delight she actually slept all night in the little toddler bed, but wouldn't have anything to do w/a nap in there the next day (since she had freedom to NOT be contained.) That was not a battle worth fighting though. Naps get in the way when you have people to see. Most days she is still fairly happy and pleasant even when she doesn't have a nap thankfully.

I think the terms good old fashioned backyard fun would sum up our time in Headland and Dothan. We spent a good bit of time outside most of the trip which thrilled Hayes. Both grandparents had baby pools to play in which was nice for the heat. Hayes played in the water hose, fountain, watered flowers, helped make ice cream, picked apples and ate alot of them, and had her 1st four wheeler ride-thank you Papa! It was a really nice weekend. We ate too much good food of course, and thankfully brought alot back home with us. Always nice!
We started our weekend with Friday lunch w/our cousins at our favorite place-La Parilla. Soooo good! I think Hayes ate her entire weight x 10 in cheese dip and salsa. The spicier the better to her. So funny-I ate chips, salsa and cheese dip an awful lot when I was pregnant with her-at least several times a week-just an interesting connection!

All 5!


1st 4 wheeler ride w/Papa-she held on tight for awhile and then got brave and started waving to us!

W and Grandaddy

Hayes and Baker love this little lion seat at Shug and Grandaddy's. She's really too big now for a high chair and hasn't sat in one at home for a long time now, but LOVES to get in the lion seat when she goes to their house. It was the 1st thing she went to see when we got there!

My sweet little man in stripes

Love this of both boys smiling so big

Moving on...We had a very special visitor last week to spend the night w/us! My sweeeeeeeet friend Rebecca who I worked with at West for 6 years came to stay w/us and keep the little ones so we could have a date night. As in, came all the way from Jackson, MS just to see us and let us go out! She is such a precious and selfless person, always thinking of others, and so FUN to be with. I have to say she is the poster child of spontaneity. ALWAYS up for an after school Mexican date, or a spend the night party if Nathan was away (b/c I'm such a scaredy cat!) She did not mind re-arranging her schedule for a second to do something fun. I love that about her! We taught kindergarten right down the hall from each other and always had lots of fun times together, along w/everyone else on that hall! Wow, do I miss that place. I wrote a while ago about really missing that season of my life. I just have lots of special memories all wrapped up in West and Rebecca is in every one of them! So now Rebecca is married and moved way off to Jackson last summer, but I'm hoping she'll be back to Bham eventually. How fun would that be! Thank you SO much Rebecca for coming to spend some time with us and hang out in this crazy household with 2 little babies and loving and enjoying it-at least I hope you did! Come back anytime!

Last, we ventured to the zoo last Saturday to get in on some splash pad action for Hayes. Our time there was short lived. It was just too hot, even in the shade. Both little ones did not seem to mind it though, Nathan and I were the fussy ones-hahaha!Hayes has a difficult time staying in/around the water area, so Nathan chased her around and tried to rally her back to the splash pad the entire time. She didn't show enough interest to put myself through that torturous heat again, so we will say good-bye to the zoo until the fall comes around.

Naptime is almost over and I need to get supper started...Swedish Meatballs-they are really good. One of our favorites now. I will share that soon!